Song Review | Kemba – Hear.No.Evil

This song was released on March 1st this year. I’ve been a fan of Kemba ever since I discovered his music as YC the Cynic when GNK was released. The last project he released, The World Is Watching, came out in 2020 at the height of the BLM protests. Just when I was starting to wonder where he went, he dropped a single this past January called Dont.Tell.Nobody. I was a little late getting to it, but when I listened I couldn’t have been more pleased. That’s one of my favorite songs of 2024 already. The grandiose production sounds fantastic, and I’m happy to report that Kemba’s skills have not atrophied over the course of his hiatus. He’s as sharp as ever on that track. I’m pretty excited to check out this latest single, which seems to be getting even more attention. It’s produced by Taba & Frankie Leroux.

After listening to the song, I definitely am not surprised that this song is getting more attention than the previous single. This is a lot more accessible sonically in my opinion. It’s what the kids would refer to as a “banger.” It’s got a pretty hard-hitting beat. I really came to appreciate the production more on my second listen. I was more focused on the lyricism from Kemba on my first listen. The beat is fire though. I wasn’t really sure how I felt about Kemba’s more melodic vocal delivery at first, but it really grew on me. By the time the second verse ended I was sold. I really love the opening bars to this track…

The family waited, the ancestors waded, their ankles was weighted
I sleep with that pressure, my blankets is weighted
It feel like the fear they created
We still ain’t related
The nickel is plated, initialed and dated
It's just like my baby, I’m naming it
Felt that first kick, I was straining just raising it
First day of work, I was waving and waving it

That line about how he was straining to raise his blicky like a child was insane. I love that shit. I think the opening verse probably has more quotable lines, but the flow was more catchy on the second verse. I really love the way he floated over the beat during these lines…

The devil got God in it
I’m just guiding it, 365 in it
They want be eye to eye with that violent shit
Step right over the body like Iverson, who providing it?

This shit is hard as fuck honestly. The more I listen to it, the more I love it. I think Dont.Tell.Nobody is more up my alley sonically, but I really grew to love this latest track as well. If these two songs are any indication, us Kemba fans are in for a good year. Check it out. It’s dope as hell.

Tell me if I'm trippin'